To export a Blogger template:
- Navigate File-> Export-> Export Template
- In the Export dialog enter the folder name and the path to the exported template, check the appropriate boxes to export the template as ZIP archive and/or include the ARTX project.
- Select the location for the exported images. You can leave the default option "Upload to ImageShack" or change it to "Save to Template Folder"
- Configure the Menu Source and other options by clicking "Options"
- Open the exported main.xml file and modify the image paths to reflect the location you’ve chosen to place the image files.
- Log in to your Blogger Dashboard.
- In the Dashboard click the "Layout" link or the "Design" tab (if you are using the Old Blogger interface).
- Navigate Layout-> Edit HTML and paste the code from main.xml
(in the Old Blogger interface click the "Edit HTML" link under the
"Design" tab and paste the code/upload the main.xml file)
Note: in the updated Blogger interface an error may occur after pasting HTML. If this has happened, please switch to the Old Blogger interface and paste the HTML again (Design -> Edit HTML) or upload the main.xml file.
- Confirm and Save.
How to modify the image paths to reflect the location you’ve chosen to place the image files?
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