These tips will help you especially if you are new to PTC sites. Following these suggestions will lead to less frustration and more satisfaction when you try to leave the world of PTC programs.

If you can network with friends and colleagues then you must first enroll in programs such as Get Ref This program gives credit to join PTC sites, PTR sites and survey sites. You can then use the credits to get a referral to one of the places of their choice.
Other places to get referrals would be signed in a blog and social networks. You can also mention in your blog that you are interested in exchanging links and references.
Low minimum payment
If you are a new PTC is always best to add the sites that have a low minimum payment. Together with sites that have a low minimum payment means it could soon reach the minimum payout without referrals.
High click rate
The standard rate for clicking on an ad and reading e-mail is $ 0.01. However, sites that pay a penny for each click usually have a minimum payment of $ 10. But there are exceptions where sites have minimum payout of $ 3 (for example: Earn3).
There are other sites that pay $ 0.0001 to $ 0.0025 per click. In this case, the minimum payment is generally low which varies between $ 0.02 and $ 1.
There are some sites where ads pay much less than that. However, these sites should normally be avoided.
The most important thing is to balance between the rate and minimum payment per click. Thus, sites where you can reach the minimum payment is to be targeted first. For this you can use a formula for the minimum payment is divided by revenue per day, which will give the days when you can reach the minimum payment.
Cash Out
It 's always advisable to withdraw the money as soon as you reach minimum payment. You will know if a site is authentic or not once you reach minimum payout and has been paid. So it is better to withdraw the money, instead of waiting to earn more and then decide to convert into cash.
Once the site has paid to know the authenticity of these websites. For example, if the minimum payment on a site is $ 0.02, then it is better to withdraw the money after it reaches the $ 0.02 instead of waiting to reach $ 1 and then make a withdrawal.
Terms of payment
Some sites pay within 2 days of the request for payment. There are others who pay less than a week, while others take up to a month or 2 months to pay. This is one of the terms should be read before entering a PTC site. Typically, users do not comply with this deadline and end up frustrated after requesting payment.
Still it is important to initially join sites that pay within 2 days or at least a week.
Sites that normally pay via PayPal, AlertPay or E-Gold. These are the most popular online payment. There are some other programs through which the payment is sent. Need to be a member of these sites in order to request payment. You must provide your email address you used when registering at the site above programs PTC programs.
You must make sure if Paypal, Alertpay and E-Gold are available in your country of residence.
Very few sites to check the request for sending payments.
International pages, or limited to certain countries
Some sites are limited to certain countries. You can join these sites at first only to realize later that the site is not international. There are some sites that have ads on the basis of their country of residence. So there may be fewer ads and more ads for a country from another country. Learn more about these policies before entering programs PTC / PTR.
Always ask before joining a PTC site
It 's always better to find a review of a site before entering. There are a number of new sites continue to climb and some of them are fraud. So if you are new to PTC is best to know which sites are paid to other users. You can get a lot of information that a website is legitimate or not social web sites and can talk to friends online if a site has paid or not. It 'very sad if you click and paid to reach the minimum payout, or participate in a program only to discover that PTC has been closed after a few days.
You can also find information on a number of blogs that provide information about which sites have paid with proof of payment. You will also find other information such as minimum payment, etc. of some political blogs.