Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tips For online job Hunting

In the area of career management, you strive to land the job that you’ve always wanted. After I decided to leave my last position, I was left trying to find a job that fit my long list of credentials that I could stay at for years, work my way up, and make a lot of money. I was still employed working 9 hours a day and didn’t have time to hit the pavement looking for that needle in a haystack. In this situation, a logical place to turn is the Internet. However, if you want to make the most of what the Internet has to offer career advancement, you need to make sure that you handle it correctly. Here are a few tips for online job hunting.

Check the Job Boards

One of the best places to check when getting started are the online job boards. There are several online job boards that you can check out, and all of them typically have many postings. Many employers will come to these centralized locations when they need to post a job that needs to be filled. Many times, the job board will direct you to a secondary website where you can apply for the job that you want.

Use Social Media

In the past, online job listings were about the only resource you had when it came to finding a job. Today, you can use social media to your advantage as well. There are a number of different social networking sites out there that you can participate in, and network with people in your field. For example, LinkedIn is one of the best when it comes to networking with other people for a job. When using these sites, you don’t want to come out and specifically asked for a job. However, you should spend some time getting to know people, and then opportunities will present themselves.

Don’t Just Rely on the Internet

Although sending an email with your resume attached is very simple, you can’t rely on that alone to get you a job. If you really want a job, you might need to be a little bit more proactive.Apply online and send a copy of your resume. Phone the company to talk to someone. Stop by in person to visit with a human resources manager, if possible. You have to be engaged if you want to separate yourself from the pack and get a job.

Be Persistent

There will be several emails that aren’t responded to and applications that will be lost in transition, but you must be persistent. The saying goes “with every no you’re closer to a yes.” With every rejection you gain knowledge of what employers are looking for and the steps you need to take to get closer to landing that 

Get Money From Moneybookers To Bangladesh

It’s been quite a hassle and confusing for Bangladeshi people to withdraw money with moneybookers. Freelancers and other online entrepreneurs are looking for a good alternative of PayPal in BD. Though we can use the payoneer card- the charge is a little bit higher and the conversion rate is not always good.
If you withdraw a good amount with payoneer card then you might get a good conversion rate. But still it is costly. So, moneybookers can be your solution.
If you are working on oDesk or another freelancing site that supports moneybookers then you can use that as withdrawing method. The process is simple.
01. Register an account with moneybookers (skrill).
02. Verify your address with mail verification. You can have the verify link in your moneybookers dash board.
03. Attach a bank account by it’s swift code and your bank account number. You must have a bank account in any BD bank for that.
04. Now withdraw money in your moneybookers account from oDesk or other freelancing site.
05. Then when the fund is available in your moneybooker’s account, withdraw the fund in your local bank.
You are done, it will take 4-7 days to reach the money in your bank account in Bangladesh.

Some Tips:

01. Try to have bank account in BRAC Bank or Dutch Bangla Bank limited, they deal faster.
02. I have transferred in my BRAC bank’s account & I have heard some rumor that sending money DBBL is kinda charge more.
03. I got the full amount in market rate for dollars. Normally with payoneer card this is not possible.
04. Swift code for BRAC Bank is: BRAKBDDH and for DBBL is: DBBLBDDH . You do not need to put more than that in moneybookers while attaching a bank account. I mean with the area codes.
05. Please verify your mailing address first, then withdraw money.
06. All the other bank swift code can be found here: Though I am not sure other bank supports transferring money in this way, normally they should.
07. In total I paid $3.42 to withdraw in my BRAC bank account. That’s cheap than any othermethod I can use.

So moneybookers can be a great solution for Bangladeshi freelancers and I hope you won’t face any difficulties withdrawing money into your bank account. You needn’t go to the bank for a single time. Just use your card to withdraw from ATM once it is loaded in your local bankaccount.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

PHP5 Test - Answers

Question 1
The setrawcookie() method of setting cookie is different from php standard method of cookie setting as :
  1. It does not allow expiry time to be set
  1. It can be used only once
  1. It does not url- ENCODE the value on its own
  1. It does not allow domain setting
Ans: C
Question 2
IF visibility is not defined for a method /member then it is treated as public static.
  1. True
  1. False

Ans: B
Question 3
Which of the following is not a valid php connection status?
  1. Aborted
  1. Normal
  1. Open
  1. Timeout

Ans:  C
Question 4
Which of the following statements is not true with regard to abstract classes in php5?
  1. Abstract classes are introduced in php 5
  1. A class with a single abstract method must be declared abstract
  1. Abstract class can contain abstract methods
  1. Abstract method must have method definition and can have optional empty braces following it
Ans : C
Question 5
What will be the result of following operation?
Print 4<<5;
a.       3
b.      128
c.       120
d.      6
Ans: B
Question 6
Which of the following type cast in not correct?
  1. real
  1. double
  1. decimal
  1. Boolean

Ans: CQuestion 7
What is the result of the following expression?
  1. 70
  1. 19
  1. 34
  1. 21

Ans: B
Question 8
The classes are defined as follows
Abstract class BaseCls(
Protected abstract function getName();
Class childCls extends BaseCls{
Which of the following implementations of getName() in invalid in childCls?
a.       Protected function getName(){}
b.      Function getName(){}
c.       Private function getName(){}
d.      Public function getName(){}
Ans: D
Question 9
Multiple select/load is possible with:
  1. checkbox
  1. select
  1. file
  1. all of the above

Ans : A
Question 10
State whether true or false
Paamayim nekudotayim operator allows access only to the static members of a class?
a.       True
b.      False
Ans: A
Question 11
What is the output of the following code?
echo $a % 2 * $b;
  1. 100
  1. 200
  1. 500
  1. 0
  1. Syntax error

Ans: D
Question 12
You need to heck the size of a file in php function .
which function will suitable replace “X”?
  1. Filesize
  1. Size
  1. sizeofFile
  1. getSize

Ans: A
Question 14
Which of the following is not true for a persistent connection?
  1. these are not closed even after the execution of the script
  1. these are mainly used to increase the efficiency of the system
  1. These can’t be converted to non-persistent connections
  1. These are preferable not used in the scripts involving transactions

Ans: D
Question 15
Which one is correct?
  1. $s=fwrite(“a string here”);
  1. $s=fwrite($fp,”a string here”);
  1. $s=fwrite(“a string here ”,$fp);
  1. none of the above

Ans B
Question 16
Which of the following in not a correct way of printing text in php 5
a.      echo “plain text”
b.     c.      d.      <#
echo “plain text”
Ans: C
Question 17
Which will be the output of the following code?
print “$a\n”;
if ($a==1.0)
print “equals”;
print “not equals”;
  1. 0.9
Not Equals
  1. 1
  1. 1
not Equals
  1. 1.1

Ans: C
Question 18
Which of the following attribute is needed for file upload via form?
  1. Enctype=”multipart/form-date”
  1. Enctype=”singlepart/date”
  1. Enctype=”file”
  1. Enctype=”form-data/file”

Ans: A
Question 19
Late php versions support remote file accessing for the functions:
  1. Include()
  1. Include_once()
  1. Require_once()
  1. All of the above

Ans : D
Question 20
Given below is a small php script:
class person {
function getSal()
class emp extends person {
fucniton getSal()
the getSal() of emp has to behave exacltyle as getSal() of person . Which of the following lines of code would you use to replace the “???”?
  1. Parent:: getSal();
  1. Person::getSal();
  1. Parent::getsal;
  1. Person::getSal;

Ans: A

HTML 4.01 Test - Answers

Question no. 1
Which of the following statements is correct for a blockquote?
a. It make the text a bit bigger for emphasizing.
b. It defines the start of a long quote.
c. It makes the text slightly bolder.
b. It defines the start of a long quote.

Question no. 2
Which of the following is incorrect about the relation between HTML and XHTML?
a. XHTML is a stricter and cleaner version of HTML.
b. XHTML is almost identical to HTML 4.01.
c. XHTML and HTML both are used to generate dynamic content.
d. XHTML brings together the elements of HTML and the syntax of XML.
b. XHTML is almost identical to HTML 4.01.

Question no. 3
Choose the incorrect statement(s):
a. An HTML attribute is additional information included inside a tag.
b. HTML is case sensitive.
c. All the HTML4.01 tags must be paired.
d. Your browser may appear to correctly use newly deprecated code for the present, but its support for deprecated code could be
halted at any time after the browser is updated.
b. HTML is case sensitive.

Question no. 4
Which of the following tags can be used in place of a button tag?
a. legend
b. ol
c. input
d. dl
c. input

Question no. 5
Which of the following is not a valid input type of the form tag?
a. checkbox
b. image
c. hidden
d. button
e. All are valid
e. All are valid

Question no. 6
It is not necessary to give the coordinates for an image or object defined within an area tag, if the value of its shape attribute is:
d. rect
c. default

Question no. 7
Which of the following is/are a valid value for the type attribute of the input tag?
a. text
b. icon
c. reset
d. password
a. text , c. reset , d. password

Question no. 8
Which of the following is not correct for an action attribute for a form tag?
a.The action attribute can be defined at runtime.
b. If the value for action is null (action=""), then the form submits user data to itself.
c. If the URL is not provided to the action attribute, the form will not submit user data anywhere.
d. None of the above
d. None of the above

Question no. 9
Which of the following values is/are valid for the align attribute of a tag?
d. offset
a. left, b. right, c. center

Question no. 10
What do you infer from the following code? <a href = ""> Expert Rating
a.This href is using absolute path for linking.
b. This href is an example of relative path linking.
a. This href is using absolute path for linking.

Question no. 11
Which of the following statements is correct for the tag?
a. The text under block quote must be enclosed in a block level element in a strict DTD document.
b. The attribute named cite must be specified.
c. Closing the tag is optional.
d. It places an empty line after the text.

Question no. 12
Which of the following is/are not true for a paragraph tag in HTML 4.01?
a. The text must be enclosed in <p> and </p> tags.b. It creates an empty line above its starting line.
c. It cannot be used within a <td> tag.

d. It creates an empty line after its ending line.
b, C

Question no. 13
A piece of text contains many blank spaces within it. Which of the following tags would be suitable to display the text as it was originally formatted?
d. pre
d. pre

Question no. 14
You are creating several web pages for a website that contain several rather large data tables, many of which are somewhat similar in the number of columns, rows, and in other common table formatting. In addition, CSS will be employed for formatting the tables. Which one of the following types of CSS has the highest priority over the others and typically requires the greatest total amount of code space for the entire website for formatting the various <td> table cells?
a.External style sheet
b.Inline style
c.Internal style sheet
d. Browser default
a. External style sheet

Question no. 15
Which of the following attributes is/are related to the <img> tag?
a. height
b. alt
c. src
d. All of the above
d. All of the above

Question no. 16
The following link is placed on an HTML webpage.
<a href="" target="_blank"> MSDN </a>
What do you infer from it?
a. It will open the site in the same window.
b. It will open the site in a new window.
c. It will open the site in a frame below.
d. It will not be clickable as it is not formed correctly.
b. It will open the site in a new window.

Question no. 17
Is the following code valid in HTML 4.01 Strict?
<ul><li><ol><li>A</li><li>B</li><ul><li>Item1</li><li>Item 2</li></ul><li>C</li></ol></li></ul>
a. Perfectly valid.
b. Invalid because you should not have three levels of nesting in the lists.
c. Invalid because you should not have an unordered list within an ordered list.
d. Invalid because a <ul> tag should not conflict with an <ol> tag at the same list level.
a. Perfectly valid.

Question no. 18
Which of the following values for the scrolling attribute for the frame tag is not valid?
d. no

Question no. 19
Which of the following is/are not correct for a <meta> tag in HTML 4.01?
a. It is more useful if it is placed in a head element.
b. It can be used to specify the keywords for the search engines.
c. It can be used to redirect users to other URLs.
d. It is mandatory to specify its name or scheme attributes.
d. It is mandatory to specify its name or scheme attributes.

Question no. 20
The tag that is used to pass the parameters to an applet is:
a. appletpar
b. applet
c. param
d. val

Question no. 21
Which of the following attributes is/are valid for a select tag contained within a form tag?
d. All of the above
d. All of the above

Question no. 22
For the following items of a <select> list:
<option value="89">Item 1</option>
<option value="90">Item 2</option>
Which of the following values would be passed on by clicking the submit button on selecting Item 2 from the list?
a. 89
b. 90
c. Item 1
d. Item 2
b. 90

Question no. 23
You have to add a list of products in a drop-down list. What will you use to group the identical products under a category name?
a. optgroup
b. option
c. menu
d. var
e. There is no way to do this
a. optgroup
Question no. 24
Which of the following shows the basic tag structure of an HTML document?
a. <html><head><body></body></html>
b. <html><body></body></html>
c. <html><head></head><body></body></html>
d. <html><head></head></html>
c. <html><head></head><body></body></html>
Question no. 25
You want to provide a form field to the users for writing lengthy comments on the quality of the services provided by you. Which of the following tags will you use?
a. <textarea rows="8" cols="20"> Your Comments.... </textarea>
b. <textarea row="8" col="20"> Your Comments.... </textarea>
c. <textarea rowcount="8" colcount="20"> Your Comments.... </textarea>
d. <input type="text" maxlength="100"/>
d. <input type="text" maxlength="100"/>
Question no. 26
Which of the following set of coordinate values refers to an image defined by the area tag with the value of poly for its shape attribute?
d. coords="150,110,190,220,150,150,120"
Question no. 27
What is meant by the cellspacing attribute?
a. It makes the cell span more than one column.
b. It specifies the space between the cell wall and the contents of the cell.
c. It specifies the space between two cells.
d. It makes the cell span more than one row.
c. It specifies the space between two cells
Question no. 28
Which of the following attributes comes in handy when borders have to be put between groups of columns instead of every column?
a. col
b. colgroup
c. rowspan
d. row
b. colgroup

Question no. 29
A few lines in an HTML paragraph are to be formatted differently from the rest of the lines. Which tag will assist in this?
a. div
b. p
c. span
d. format
b. p

Question no. 30
How will you specify a comment in an HTML document?
a. <!!- Here is a comment... -!>
b. <-Here is a comment.. ->
c. <!-- Here is a comment.. -->
d. <! Here is a comment... -!>
c. <!-- Here is a comment.. -->

Question no. 31
Which of the following is correct regarding the frame attribute in the <table> tag?
a. It is used to add a frame to the table.b. A hsides value for the frame attribute will show the border lines for horizontal sides only.
c. A hsides value for the frame attribute will not show the border lines for horizontal sides only.
d. A hsides value for the frame attribute will add a scrollable frame on the horizontal sides.

Question no. 32
What is meant by cellpadding?
a. It makes the cell span more than one column.b. It specifies the space between the cell wall and the contents of the cell.
c. It specifies the space between two cells.
d. It makes the cell span more than one row.

Question no. 33
Within a table cell <td>:
a. <p></p> tags cannot be used.
b. <ol></ol> tags cannot be used
c. <table></table> tags cannot be used.
d. <form></form> tags cannot be used.
e. All the above tags could be used.
Question no. 34
A developer wrote this image tag:
<img src ="states.gif" width ="330" height ="406" alt="States"
usemap ="#statemap" />
What code should follow this?
a. <map id ="statemap" name="statemap">
<area shape ="rect" coords ="0,0,82,126" href="state1.htm"
alt="State1" />

b. <map id ="statemap" name="statemap"> </map>
<area shape ="rect" coords ="0,0,82,126" href="state1.htm"
alt="State1" />
c. <map id ="statemap" name="statemap">
<img area shape ="rect" coords ="0,0,82,126" href="state1.htm"
alt="State1" /> </map>
d. <map id ="statemap" name="statemap">
<img area shape ="rect" coords ="0,0,82,126" href="state1.htm"
alt="State1" /> </map>

Question no. 35
You want to display a table listing out customer names and their contact information. The heading of the table is shown in the figure. What is the code for creating the first line of the table heading?
a. <tr>
<th>Customer Name</th>
<th colspan=3>Contact</th>
b. <tr>
<th>Customer Name</th>
<th cellpadding=3>Contact</th>
c. <tr>
<th>Customer Name</th>
<th rowspan=3>Contact</th>
d. <tr>
<th>Customer Name</th>
<th cellspacing=3>Contact</th>
<tr> <th>Customer Name</th> <th cellpadding=3>Contact</th> </tr>

Question no. 36
What would you infer from the following code in an HTML 4.01 Web site? <body topmargin=2 leftmargin=2>
a. The top margin and left margin of the webpage is 2 pixels.
b. The bottom margin and right margin of the web page is 2 pixels.
c. Both of the above.
d. None of the above. The topmargin and leftmargin attributes are not valid HTML 4.01 body attributes.
a. The top margin and left margin of the webpage is 2 pixels.

Question no. 37
You specified a base tag and anchors as follows:
1. <base target="_blank">
2. <a href="">Yahoo</a>
3. <a href="" target="_top">Google</a>
Which of the following is true for the above code
a. Only the Yahoo link will open in a new window.
b. Only the Google link will open in a new window.
c. Both links will open in a new window.
d. Both links will open in the same window.
c. Both links will open in a new window.

Question no. 38
On one of your Web pages named Listing.html, you specified a target like this:
<a name="target4">Old Listing</a>
How will you make a link to the above target?
a. <a url="#target4">Check Old Listing as well</a>
b. <a href="#target4">Check Old Listing as well</a>
c. <link url="target4">Check Old Listing as well</link>
d. <a href="Listing.target4">Check Old Listing as well</a>
b. <a href="#target4">Check Old Listing as well</a>

Question no. 39
Which attribute specifies the submit URL in a form tag?
a. method
b. action
c. name
d. id
b. action

Question no. 40
The tag which is used to show monospaced text is:
a. <td>
b. <th>
c. <tt>
d. <b>
b. <th>